Thursday, January 21, 2016

Living with a Mission

Several years ago, I took the time to write down my purpose, goals, and mission in life.  I certainly wanted it to be Biblical in scope; however, it wasn't long before I realized that much of my living was built upon my own perspective and dreams.  I had pretty much built a life that kept me comfortable and allowed Christ to be involved.    Most Christians have built a life that fits the American dream and they have included God as part of it.  Today it is my firm conviction that Christians must step back and place God at the center of their lives and then build their lives around Him.  Many countless days and hours are lived pursuing things with very little value--if any.  I have been guilty of this and I certainly wish I could rewind the clock.  God has blessed us with the gift of time to be used for advancing His agenda and Kingdom work--not ours.

Missional living is living life with a purpose. Christ has set all of his followers on a mission to reach the world for Him.  Most church members relegate that responsibility to the pastor or missionaries who receive money for this type of work--the professionals.  I know this is true because I used to think this in the past.  As Christians, if we believe we are really on God's mission then we need to ask ourselves today "when was the last time we told someone about the Gospel of Christ?"  If it has been more than one week or even one month then I would venture to say that we have strayed from our mission.  As Christians, we need to wake up each morning thinking about how we can go further today on God's mission than we did yesterday.

My prayer for Maywood is that each week we (every Christian) would leave the building on a mission to take the light of the Gospel to a hurting and dying community--our neighbors and co-workers.  We certainly want to share the love of Christ through kind deeds and words but the ultimate form of sharing Christ's love is telling them the Good News--there is a Savior who died for their sins.  Without this news, they will die and spend an eternity in Hell.  WE ARE ON A MISSION.  Please, let's re-prioritize our lives to reflect our FIRST LOVE--Jesus Christ and His Great Commission.

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