Thursday, November 16, 2017

Helpful Resources for Good Bible Study

How are we to study God’s Word without going to Bible College or possessing a large library of Biblical books?  Christ promised when He left this earth that He would send us the Spirit of Truth, which would lead us into all truth (John 16:3).  In other words, God’s own Spirit helps us to understand the depths of Scripture and God’s Spirit also brings believers into the knowledge of salvation.  We also know from Scripture that there are godly men and women who have the gift of teaching in order that they can help us understand the depths of God’s Word. 
I have been blessed to add to my personal library over the years, while attending seminary, so I currently have about 3500 volumes to use as I study each week.  The challenge is that not everyone has the same resources at their disposal when they want to study the Word of God.  Allow me to suggest that the Internet is still a free resource but it is not always a safe resource for searching out Biblical Truth.  I would personally not read some things that various men write due to disagreement in their theology or their sloppy interpretation skills.  Some Internet sites appear sound in their teaching and some are outright blasphemous and heretical as they deviate from God’s Word.
In one sense, every Christian should be a theologian~~one who studies the depth of God’s character and His Word.  I would like to share with you some various tools that can help you study the Word of God.
Ø  Maywood’s Leadership Library has many great books and commentaries.
Ø  Here are some external resources that you can begin to utilize:
Ø  Start with the Bible / Read the Text over & over again / Compare Scripture with Scripture & Pray through the Text as you read.
Ø  Study with others who are digging into the depths of God’s Word.
Ø  Ask questions about the Text and seek the answers in the Text.
Ø  Your pastors can also help you find the right answers or resources.
Studying can become so much more enjoyable as you begin to make use of the various tools that God has provided for us to know His Word!  Come and join a Life-Group to study God’s Word with us if you have not joined one yet.

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