Thursday, February 14, 2019

Standing for Life

My heart has been troubled since I’ve read and listened to the recent approval of the Reproductive Health Act in New York.  This legislation now permits abortions to take place all the way up until the child is born.  This new legislation, which was signed into law on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade (Jan. 22), has been celebrated as “progress for woman.”  The governor of New York wanted to be clear by stating that he was not representing the views of his own church (the Catholic church) or views of any religion.  My question is then, “When and where is God allowed to intersect society and impact its laws?”  Actually, to remove God and His Word from society would no longer make us “one nation under God.”  Who then sets the moral compass for our society?  The governor insisted that he is working only on behalf of the people and their constitutional rights.  Sadly enough, infants with beating hearts have no rights.

The horrific brutality of killing infants that is permitted by healthcare professionals and protected by law is abhorrent in the sight of God as He is the Author of life.   In just 46 years (since Jan 22, 1973), it is estimated that more than 60 million abortions have taken place.  When this is considered, think about how many more people should be serving and worshipping in our churches.  Consider how this heinous act has brought forth the displeasure and judgment of God upon this country.  All of this beckons the question, “How should and could we be a voice for God and for those who are aborted?”

I first want to say to those who have had an abortion that the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. The Bible is clear that through faith in Christ, all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16).   As well, all those involved can find forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ— the woman who has had an abortion, a man who has encouraged an abortion, and even the doctor who has performed the abortion. 

Please know that God makes His view of abortion known in Scripture.  Jeremiah informs us that God knows us by name before He forms us in the womb (Jer. 1:5).  In Psalm 139, David says that God intricately designs us in our mother’s womb.  In the Old Testament, under the Law, a man who struck a pregnant woman and caused death to her child, that man’s life would be taken~~ “then you shall pay life for life” (Exodus 21:22-25).  Each person is conceived in the image of God and is deemed valuable and worthy of life (Genesis 1:26-27).  Through Scripture God is clear that infants in the womb are just as much of an individual as a full-grown adult.  I would conclude that for Christians we have the duty to prize and protect life for all—even those who are unable to speak for themselves.  As Christians, we should be able to speak freely and unashamedly concerning God’s view of life for infants.

Over the years I have heard some Christians suggest that abortion would be acceptable in the case of incest or rape.  As harsh and awful as these acts against a woman may be, Scripture nowhere indicates or gives permission to exercise an evil for an evil.  In other words, terminating an innocent child’s life because of the circumstances that led to their conception could never be Biblically supported.  There are many loving families who would welcome a child from this situation and provide a nurturing environment for them—I know some people personally who love and accept these children.  In less than 5% of cases is rape, incest, or a mother’s own life the cause of abortion.  Most abortions that take place today do so simply because someone does not want the baby. 

In cases where the mother’s life is at stake during childbirth (which I have read is 1/10th of 1% of the time), I would encourage the husband, wife, and family to pray through this matter and seek the Lord.  James says to pray for great wisdom (James 1:5) and Paul says to be confident that your decision honors the Lord (Romans 14:5). 

Morally our country has lost its way, which is why Christians and churches must shine the glorious Gospel of Christ to our world.  The way home to God is through the cross of Jesus Christ.  There is always hope and restoration through the deep love of God.  Until Christ returns, God’s people must live this life with conviction based upon the principles in God’s Word.   

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