Thursday, December 10, 2015

Waiting for Christmas

Looking back, one of the highlights of Christmas as a family was being able to give the gifts that we purchased to the children.  It was very difficult not to give them to them early.  My wife and I finally came to agreement as a couple and decided that we would open the gifts on Christmas Eve.  Some may view it as spoiling Christmas or caving into our kid's demands.  However, we were so excited about what we had to give them and we loved our kids dearly.  To my defense, I have found some families who give the kids their Christmas gifts  when they  purchased them--they  really make me  look pretty good : )

When I consider Scripture, I think about Simeon in the book of Luke chapter 2.  We don't know much about him but he is described as a devoted, righteous man of God.  Scripture identifies him as waiting for the "consolation of Israel" and that the Holy Spirit was upon him.  The Holy Spirit had told him that he would not see death until he would first behold Jesus the Messiah.  It happened.  Mary and Joseph arrived at the temple and what a Christmas gift Simeon would receive.  Could you even imagine being handed the Son of God (the God man) in your arms--the promised Messiah--the Redeemer of all mankind?  What more could you ever want--wow!!!  Waiting is indeed hard but when we consider the gift of salvation--nothing else compares.  It is well worth the wait!

Scripture says that Simeon praised God and blessed His holy name with a short song: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace.  For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” Luke 2:29-32  Simeon was thrilled and fulfilled!  He was now ready to enter the presence of the Lord.  The waiting was over and nothing could ever be compared to the gift of God's Son.  Indeed the light of the world had entered the world and the gift of God's Son had arrived!!!

Application:  Would you be willing to share the gift of eternal life with someone this Christmas?

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