Thursday, June 15, 2017

Fathers Forever

For many of us our child rearing days have passed.  Some of our most exhausting days have been being a father or mother.  Answering the questions of why or why not seemed to have no end--yikes.  Discipline issues with the children were more challenging than going to work for hours and swinging a hammer or working behind a computer--at least they did not talk back to you.

Both mothers and fathers are extremely important in raising God-fearing children that love the Lord and serve Him for a lifetime.  As a father, I'm aware of the temptation to allow our wives to maintain order with the children.  Too often, we as men remain passive in our responsibilities and fail to understand the crucial role that God has given us when it comes to bringing up little boys and girls.  After all, they long to have our attention and love.

Fathers serve a large role and do a job that only a father is equipped to do.  By choosing not to step up to our calling as a father we forfeit that privilege and responsibility to someone else.  It may be to our wives, grandparents, or a child's friend.  Many men have great intentions of stepping up but due to failure to make the time, the job of fathering is forfeited.  Young boys never truly learn what it means to grow into a man because dad never took the time to show them.  Young girls fail to understand what it means to be treated like a lady because dad never took the time to show them. 

Many of us call ourselves fathers; however, I wonder if a better term is to say that we are dads.  A father takes the time to nurture, discipline, shape, correct, and train our children even at the most inopportune times.  He lives out his life as an example to his children, even during the most difficult times in life.  He understands that his calling is a gift from God.  Perhaps this Father's Day we could recommit our own lives to be better fathers to our children--regardless of their age.  Approach your children, seek their forgiveness for lost days and opportunities.   Make the most of the days and moments that God gifts you with, to be a godly example to them and keep investing into them.

Being a father is a never ending job--as long as you are alive.  Why not consider trying to be a father to another young person who may not have the privelege of having a father in his or her life.

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