Thursday, October 22, 2015

Healthy Communication

Most of us would deny the fact that we might be poor at communicating.  Healthy communication is so much more than being able to speak what is on our minds.  It is a matter of being able to listen and know when to respond--or if we should respond at all.  Healthy communication weighs the power of words before they are launched and considers the damage that might be incurred from them.  A good communicator will take time to evaluate what has been said, even it was unkind, and not retaliate with similar words to inflict injury. 

Christ says, that "out of the abundance of the heart" a man speaks (Luke 6:45).   Claiming that, "you forced me to say that", or "I did not really mean that" is not necessarily true.  From the depths of our hearts our words spring forth.  It is the mature Christian that changes the way they speak because they understand that they will give an account on the "day of judgement for every empty word they have spoken" (Mt. 12:36).  Scripture says a great deal about the use of words and how to use them.  Solomon even cautions not to waste precious words on a foolish man because he will either twist those words or those words will only fuel the fool to more foolishness (Proverbs 23:9; 26:4).  Apparently there is a healthy way to communicate according to Scripture.

Many times, it is not the words we choose but the cunning way we choose to use them.  At times we can be very destructive to others by the tone and attitude we give those words.  We can even embrace a false piety as we rebuke others for their short comings.  Our words can be filled with truth towards others but the way we deliver them can suck the life out of others and turn them not only away from us but away from Christ.  Although we would attest that gossip, lying, cussing, and arguing are distasteful to the Lord, in what positive ways are we exalting the name of Christ with our words?  Do our words give life and breathe encouragement to others each day?  When was the last time we took the time to praise another person for a job well done?  Would there be anyone that we need to seek forgiveness from for the poor use of our words?  Let's pray that God would grant us wisdom to know when to keep quiet, when to speak, and what to speak, because His glory is at stake.

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